The Bridgwater Photographic Society aims to help individuals realise their potential as photographers. It does this by providing a critiquing process of your own photographs & those of others by established judges as well as Society members, viewing of exhibition prints and DVDs & lectures by professionals & enthusiasts in the field. We hold some practical evenings in the Club room with our Portrait & Still Life Evenings and our Summer Programme. Although not a college or training establishment we have a Mentor Scheme for those wishing to get better acquainted with their cameras. Many of our members join to improve their own photographic skills. Our meetings are designed to ensure our members can enjoy the opportunity to share knowledge, meet and learn from other photographers and to further their photographic interests and skills. The Society forms part of the Western County of Photographic Federation (WCPF) which is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) & our members are able to take part in events organised by them & can if they wish seek to gain its distinctions.
Committee: For a list of Society Officials, see the rear of the current Programme.
Facebook Closed Group: Ask Administrator for invitation to join.
1. Name
1.1. The organisation shall be known as the Bridgwater Photographic Society. Hereafter, it will be referred to as the ‘Society’.
2. Aims of the Society
2.1. To promote interest in photography within Bridgwater and the nearby communities.
2.2. To promote continuous improvement.
2.3. To further the progression of photography through the means of shared experience and knowledge.
3. Membership
3.1. Membership shall be open to any person interested in, or practicing photography, and shall be subject to the approval of the Committee. Members under 16 yrs of age and vulnerable individuals can only attend with a parent or legal guardian.
4. Subscriptions
4.1. The Society year shall commence immediately after the Annual General Meeting. The Society financial year shall commence 1st May.
4.2. The amount of subscription shall be as determined by the AGM or Special General Meeting and are payable monthly or annually.
4.3. No person shall take part in a Society Competition or enter for a Society Exhibition unless his or her subscription is paid up to date.
5. Organisation
5.1. The President shall serve for a period of three years. After this period, he/she may be invited to serve further three year periods. When the position of President becomes vacant the Committee will select and recommend a suitable member for approval of the membership at the AGM.
5.2. The Officers shall consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and a minimum of three other committee members to be elected at the AGM. Two committee members must have responsibility for Programme Secretary and Competition Secretary. Other duties will be assigned as necessary.
5.3. The Programme Secretary is to be responsible for the formation of next year’s programme, including producing the future programme by 1st August that year.
6. Management of the Society
6.1. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the Committee consisting of the aforementioned Officers and three members, all to be elected annually at the AGM. If any of the named committee members resign before their term ends, an SGM will be called at the earliest opportunity. The Committee shall have the powers to co-opt as necessary a maximum of three additional members. The Chairman shall have the casting vote at all meetings.
6.2. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and conduct the correspondence of the Society. The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions, monies due and make payments only after authorisation by the Committee. At the close of each Society year a balance sheet will be prepared and audited by two ordinary members, appointed for this purpose at the AGM.
6.3. At Committee meetings four elected members shall constitute a quorum.
6.4. Minutes of the committee meetings will be ratified at the next meeting, prior to general release to the membership.
6.5. Any Committee member failing to attend three consecutive meetings after receiving proper notification shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee, unless suitable reason can be given, and will be replaced by a coopted member who shall then have voting rights at any subsequent meetings.
6.6. At AGMs and SGMs a quorum shall be not less than twelve or 50% of paid up members, whichever is the lesser.
6.7. Any concerns over the management of the Society should be raised with the Secretary, who will then circulate those concerns to the membership.
6.8. Use of member’s e-mail addresses is strictly for Society business. Anyone using these addresses for any other purpose is liable to investigation for misconduct.
6.9. Former committee members must relinquish any membership lists. Lists must not be used subsequently by former committee members.
6.10. Special interest groups may be formed under the auspices of the Society. Such groups must comply with relevant laws and the Society Constitution at all times. Group organisers must provide a written report to the committee after any events, including the number of attendees and any issues encountered.
7. Grievances
7.1. Any grievances must be raised at the time of complaint and reported to the committee within a period of two weeks. The committee will acknowledge receipt of the grievance and discuss it at the next scheduled committee meeting.
Annual General Meeting
7.2 The AGM of the Society shall be held during the month of May each year, the date being billed well in advance in the Society programme. The business shall include: (i) Minutes of the previous AGM, (ii) Annual Reports of the Officers, (iii) Audited Statement of Account & Balance Sheet, (iv) Election of President (if appropriate) and Officers, (v) Election of Committee members, (vi) Appointment of Auditors, (vii) Propositions (if any) to be detailed, (viii) Any other business.
8. Special General Meetings
8.1. An SGM can be called at any time by the President or by the Committee or on receipt of a requisition signed by not less than eight or 25% of the paid up members, whichever is the lesser.
8.2. The committee will determine the date of any SGM that has been called. They will determine whether an SGM is deemed necessary or whether the matter can await the next AGM. The committee will respond to any requisition within 30 days.
8.3. Fourteen days’ notice must be given to all members of any SGM with particulars of all business to be transacted. No business other than that appearing on the notice shall be transacted at such meetings.
9. Proposals
9.1. All nominations and proposals for AGMs and SGMs shall not be accepted unless given to the Honorary Secretary 21 days before the date of the meeting, signed by two members of the Society as proposer and seconder, as well as the Nominee if applicable.
9.2. Nominations for Officers, Committee members and WCPF representatives shall be accepted on the night of the AGM.
10. Voting
10.1. Proposals will be passed with a simple majority.
10.2. Officers of the committee will be elected by simple majority.
10.3. Changes to the constitution or confidence votes proposed at an SGM will require a two thirds majority, to prevent unnecessary disruption during the season.
10.4. Absentee votes will be acceptable only if they accompany a written apology for absence to the secretary, not later than one week prior to the date of the AGM or SGM.
11. Termination of Membership
11.1. A member may be expelled or asked to resign from the Society at the decision of the Committee. The Committee can request a member to appear before it, provided that, where any accusation or charge is made, the member shall be given full and reasonable opportunity to put forward a defence and bring witness at a later meeting. Any member expelled or asked to resign shall have the right to appeal to an SGM called for this purpose.
11.2. All Committee proceedings and those of any SGM called under this rule shall be treated as privileged and confidential.
12. Emergencies
12.1. In the event of anything occurring not provided for or not clear in the foregoing rules, the Committee shall have the power to deal with the same at their discretion.
Honorary Membership
13.1 The Committee shall, as and where it sees fit, make recommendations to an AGM or SGM of such persons who have given outstanding and meritorious service to the Society, for Honorary Membership.
13.2. Honorary Membership shall be terminated following non-attendance of a member for two consecutive seasons, except in special circumstances. Continued Honorary Membership is reliant on good conduct by the member.
14. Society Property
14.1. No property may be removed without the consent of the committee. All property must be returned at the request of the committee. Any person borrowing or renting Society property is liable for any loss or damage.
15. Dissolution
15.1. The Society may be dissolved only by the consent of 75% of the fully paid up members present at an SGM for that purpose. Such a meeting shall appoint a Liquidator and the proceeds raised from the sale of Society assets shall be donated to St Margaret’s Hospice, Somerset.
16. Rules
16.1. A copy of these rules shall be made available to every member of the Society. No alterations to these rules shall be made except at an AGM or SGM