Members will:
a) Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
b) Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.
c) Be aware of and maintain the rules and regulations of the Society and operate within those rules.
d) Never use your position or role for personal gain, to avoid your responsibility or to unjustly prevent an individual from exercising their rights.
e) Be aware of your legal responsibility and the legal rights of others.
f) Don't use your involvement with the Society to promote your own beliefs, behaviour and practices where these are inconsistent with those of Society rules.
g) Refrain from any form of harassment or intimidation of others.
h) Refrain from using any behaviour that may bring the Society into disrepute.
i) Provide a safe environment for the conduct of the activity.
j) Understand that expulsion may be a consequence if you breach the Code of Conduct of the Bridgwater Photographic Society.

Safeguarding Policy

The Bridgwater Photographic Society (hereafter Society) acknowledges that all persons, regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, race, faith, culture, size, shape, language or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse or harm.

The Society acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the safety and welfare of all children. The Society regards anyone under the age of 18 years to be a child and the welfare of a child must always take precedence over any other considerations.

The Society only accepts Junior Members on the understanding that they will be accompanied at all times by a Parent or responsible adult provided by the Parent. Any Member who witnesses or is aware of an incident where the welfare of a child has been put at risk must inform a Member of the Committee as soon as practicable.

The Society will ensure that all the Members comply with best practice in relation to the preceding text and that Members pay particular attention to the following circumstances which are not acceptable.
• Working alone with a child.
• Consuming alcohol whilst responsible for children.
• Providing alcohol to children or allowing its supply. • Smoking in the presence of children.
• Humiliating children.
• Inappropriate or unnecessary physical contact with a child.
• Inappropriate communication with a child.
• Participating in, or allowing, contact or physical games with children.
• Having an intimate or sexual relationship with any child developed as a result of being in a ‘position of trust.
• Making sexually explicit comments or sharing sexually explicit material.